Our Knowledgeable Texas Podiatrists Help Dancers Overcome Foot Pain

If you’re a Tarrant County dancer who’s dealing with foot pain, our skilled foot doctors are here to help you find relief. At Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists, we understand that if dancing is at the center of your life, you need your feet to be healthy and in top working condition. If you suffer from any foot problem, you need to see a skilled and dedicated podiatrist who can diagnose and treat your issue and help get you dancing again without pain or discomfort. Dancers face many painful foot conditions

Our experienced podiatrists discuss common foot injuries and conditions that impact dancers and the different treatments that may help relieve the pain and symptoms.

Painful Foot Injuries Suffered by Dancers

Dancing is a captivating art form performed with a graceful ease that can make a dancer’s hard work seem effortless. If you’re a dancer, though, you know all too well that dancing is physically demanding and particularly hard on the feet. That’s why dancers often experience foot pain and injuries requiring podiatric care. Our podiatrists see and treat these common injuries and conditions:

Stress Fractures

A stress fracture is a hairline crack that occurs most often in the bones of the lower leg and in the  foot. It usually occurs over time as a result of repetitive stress or overtraining rather than due to a specific incident. A stress fracture is quite common in ballet dancers, as well as other types of dancers and athletes.  

Pain is the most common indicator of a stress fracture, including pain that begins when starting an activity (such as dancing) and continues even after the activity has been completed. The pain is often accompanied by bruising, tenderness, or swelling. Proper diagnosis may require an X-ray or other imaging tests. Recovery may require wearing a boot or brace or even using crutches for a period of time. 

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick tissue band that connects the heel bone to the toes. This condition is very common in dancers. Plantar fasciitis often causes a stabbing pain in the heel that is usually worse in the morning when you step out of bed. Heel pain can also be a symptom of other foot problems, so it’s important to consult with a foot doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.  

At Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists, we offer a variety of treatments for plantar fasciitis, including non-surgical options such as neurostimulation and high-intensity sound wave treatments. Plantar fasciitis surgery may sometimes be necessary, but only if other treatments do not provide sufficient relief.

Achilles Tendinitis

Often caused by overuse, Achilles tendinitis is inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which is the tendon that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. The first sign of Achilles tendinitis is often a mild ache in the back of the leg or above the heel after engaging in a sports activity or exercise. If you are a dancer and suffer from Achilles tendinitis, your heel may feel hot to the touch. Other potential indicators of this condition include tight calf muscles and a reduced range of motion in the ankle.

The first step in treating Achilles tendinitis starts with applying ice and resting at home, although physical therapy and/or neurostimulation can also be successful treatments. If the tendon is ruptured or torn or other treatments don’t provide relief, surgery may be needed.


A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe, causing the toe to angle toward the smaller toes. This painful foot condition isn’t caused by dancing, but it is believed to be exacerbated by ballet, especially dancing en pointe.

Wearing orthotics and bunion pads can help dancers who have bunions, but these measures are not always enough. Our podiatrists can help patients manage bunion pain via neurostimulation or injections. In some cases, bunion correction surgery may be needed.


Metatarsalgia is pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot. It is generally caused by overuse or putting pressure on the metatarsal bones, which is something that dancers do regularly. Rest, orthotics, and stretching may help manage this condition, although surgery is sometimes required.

Another common symptom of metatarsalgia is a feeling that there’s a rock in your shoe, as well as tingling or numbness in the toes or ball of the foot and difficulty putting weight on the foot. Diagnosis requires careful examination and testing to rule out other potential conditions.

Morton's Neuroma

Morton's neuroma is a thickening of the tissue around a nerve leading to the toes. Dancers and others who repeatedly put a high level of pressure on their feet are at an elevated risk of developing this painful condition.

Morton’s neuroma frequently causes radiating pain, numbness, a burning feeling, or a popping sensation in the ball of the foot, as well as feeling like there is a pebble in your shoe. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a foot doctor right away. The earlier this condition is diagnosed and properly treated, the less likely it is that surgery will be needed.


Blisters are very common for dancers due to the friction and pressure their feet experience from spending long hours training and performing. Blisters don’t always require treatment by a foot doctor, but sometimes they do. Blisters can get infected and become a serious wound that requires medical attention.

If you have a blister that doesn’t seem to be healing as it should or is showing signs of infection, don’t put yourself at risk by continuing to treat it on your own. Instead, have a podiatrist examine the blister and determine how to treat it properly.

See a Tarrant County Foot Doctor for Diagnosis and Treatment

The foot doctors at Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists are specially trained to diagnose and treat an extensive range of foot and ankle conditions. When you come in for your appointment, we’ll do an individualized evaluation focused on identifying the cause of your foot pain so we can recommend an appropriate course of treatment.

If you’re a dancer experiencing pain or a foot or ankle injury, there’s no reason to suffer in silence. Proper diagnosis and care are crucial to your well-being. Our Tarrant County podiatrists are here to help you get the relief you need so you can focus on doing what you love to do: dancing.

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