Those who wear the breezy summer shoe known as flip flops on a regular basis can experience various foot-related problems. Keep reading as our Grapevine foot doctors explain how flip flops can cause heel pain.

Grapevine foot doctors for heel pain from flip flops

The Problem With Flip Flops

According to our Grapevine foot doctors, flip flops can cause problems with your feet due to the way they are designed. Since flip flops are flat, they can cause heel pain because they don’t provide adequate support. Without the proper support, the tendons and muscles in your feet can be overused and easily irritated leading to pain.

Flip flops can be an ideal choice of footwear for around the pool or at the beach but should not be worn as a daily option. In addition to their lack of support, some other issues with flip flops include:

  • Lack of protection. Flip flops can protect the bottom of your feet from hot or rough surfaces or from a shower floor, but the top of your feet remain unprotected. This area is left exposed and can become injured or sunburned.
  • Risk for accidents. Flip flops are flimsy in design and can increase your risk for an accident. These shoes have a tendency to fold over while you are walking and can cause you to trip and fall, which can lead to a sprained ankle or worse. If you wear flip flops when you drive, they can get caught in the pedals, and you may have an accident due to pedal application errors.

Types of Foot Problems

Continuous wear of flip flops can damage your feet. Not only is there a lack of support, but these shoes can be a cause of various issues with your heels and feet. According to our Grapevine foot doctors, heel pain from wearing flip flops can happen over time. You may notice the pain in your heels and feet after resting and often in the morning. The pain may be improved with activity but increases after rest. Wearing flip flops can cause the following foot problems:

  • Plantar fasciitis. This condition causes pain in the heels of your feet. It is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia that connects the heel bone to the toes. When wearing flip flops, you may have a stabbing pain in your heel or stiffness.
  • Achilles tendonitis. Achilles tendonitis is caused when the tendon that attaches the heel bone to the heel becomes inflamed, which leads to heel pain. The instability of the flip flop design can cause this pain. If not treated, Achilles tendonitis can lead to tears in the muscles of your feet.  

Caring for Your Heel Pain

To reduce heel pain and inflammation caused by conditions such as plantar fasciitis or tendonitis, our Grapevine foot doctors recommend using the following treatment options:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Arch supports
  • Heel cushions
  • Foot and calf muscle stretching
  • Physical therapy
  • Anti-inflammatory medication

If conservative treatment options do not help, surgery may be needed to relieve the pain. Consult with our Grapevine foot doctors if your heel or foot pain does not go away. Our podiatrists can examine your feet to determine the cause of your pain and what type of treatment will work for your specific condition.

Alternative Shoe Options

If you have a closet full of flip flops, you can still wear them but with caution. Choose to wear these shoes for short periods of time. When looking for summer shoes, choose ones with features such as:

  • Correct size
  • Thick sole
  • Supportive arch
  • Secure straps/back strap
  • Strong material

If you love flip flops and can’t give up wearing them, you can find styles that are designed with extra support, cushioning, and thicker straps.

Time to See Our Grapevine Foot Doctors

If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain or have questions about caring for your feet, contact our Grapevine foot doctors at Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists. To request an appointment in our Grapevine or Keller offices, fill out our convenient contact form online, or call our office.